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Please feel free to contact us at

BonznStonz: Fossils and Minerals
c/o Michael R. Fellenz
Irving, New York


Alright, here are some links to some of the nicest sites I've found. These include geology oriented sites as well as sites which feature animations and so on. If you'd like me to add your site to this list just e-mail me with your web address and add my link to your site. Thanks.

Here are some sites I'd like to pass on to you. What you'll find on these sites is some great information, super people and a whole lot of nice specimens:
Two Guys Minerals and Fossils
The Stone Company
Bobs Rock Shop
The Communications Interactive Agency
Melisa's Page
Allessandro Genazzani's Minerals
J.P.'s Paleontology Page
Meilie's Jewelry Page
Swappers & Collectors Pages
Mr.B.Bug's Trilobite World 2000
Toprock Gemstones & Minerals
Pangaea Minerals: Rare species, Black Hills minerals, phosphates, and fine mineral specimens

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